At Mak Education, we aspire to contain such qualities for the well-being of our agency, these set of qualities are named to be honesty, transparency, hard-working and much more. At Mak Education our staff are depicted to have confidence when talking to clients; this is good as with confidence the overall process of recruiting and selecting becomes smoother and more efficient. We also train our staff so that they have very good communication skills which are heavily required as we are calling a large number of people daily so it is needed in order for successful applications to go through and this would determine the rate of effectiveness of communication. Lastly, At Mak Education we train our staff to strive in areas of customer service as it is very important that our client feels engaged with us in order for us to come to an agreement, this is being made easier for us currently as our staff is highlighted as being good listeners. This is very good as this will mean that we will listen to our client’s wants and needs and we will act upon the information that they provide us with.